Quotation and Order
It is the buyer’s responsibility to check that the quotation and/or order acknowledgement conforms to the desired product specification. If abbreviations and/or codes are not fully understood by the buyer, the seller should be contacted for clarification. It is very important that the order documentation is correct. Changes made after the project drawing is approved may give rise to additional costs.

In the event of cancellation after receiving order acknowledgement, the full amount will be charged excluding packaging and shipping.

Unless otherwise agreed, our doors are manufactured to our standards. Special solutions are specified in other cases in the quotation/order confirmation or project drawing.

Acceptance inspection
Check that the product and the quantity delivered match your order. Check that packaging and goods are not damaged.

Transport damage
In the event of transport damage, this must be immediately notified to the carrier and noted on the consignment note or via a hand scanner. and notify Momec too. NB! If the consignment note is signed without any comments, the responsibility is transferred to the receiver.

All goods must be stored indoors, where the risk of condensation is minimal. Preferably stored in a heated room.

Any complaint must be made in writing within a reasonable time and within the warranty period. If this is not done, Momec is not responsible for the defect. Complaints about defects that were noticed or should have been noticed when the product was transferred to the buyer must be submitted within one week of reception and before the product is assembled. No returns or complaint actions may be carried out on the customer’s own initiative without written approval from Momec.

Valid for 12 months after delivery of the product from us. The warranty applies to products manufactured by Momec. In order for the warranty to apply, the product must have been assembled correctly and servicing and maintenance must have been followed in accordance with our care instructions. This must be documented in the form of a service report.

In addition, reference is made to the general provisions for the purchase of goods for the marine and offshore segments of Orgalime S-2022 and for commercial construction activities on land in accordance with ABM-07. The above applies unless otherwise stated in our quotation/order acknowledgment, with the addition of

Momec’s special Terms and Conditions of Sale and Delivery. Momec is not responsible for defects that are due to incorrect assembly, incorrect handling, damage, intervention, improper care or abnormal wear and tear.Sealing strips and intumescent strips are considered consumables and are not included in our warranty. Fittings and accessories not manufactured by Momec are not included in our warranty; we refer customers to the respective fittings manufacturer’s warranty conditions.

In the event of damage and tampering, warranty and warranty claims do not apply. Any repairs must be carried out by a contractor appointed by Momec, in order for the warranty to continue to apply.