As specialists in doors for demanding marine environments, you can rely on us to deliver the best security doors for your property too. Designed for both apartments and public environments.

We simply make doors the way our customers want them. Basically, there is always a choice of secure standard solutions, but developing smart solutions customized to your needs is what we do best. By customizing the format and function, we can save you time and money. The type and level of security needed varies, from doors with life-saving features such as protection against fire, burglary and gas, to doors that make life more comfortable such as protection against unwanted sound.
Security doors is a concept that can be perceived as both broad and unclear. What does it really mean? What is most important to consider. Formally, you can say that there are statutory requirements and regulations that must be met in order to refer to your door as a “rated security door”. One of the most important aspects is that it must be approved for burglary standards with a minimum resistance of RC3.
Every door we make at Momec has a purpose beyond just being able to close and lock itself. This could be to stop a fire, to prevent a burglary or to block out disturbing sounds, toxic gases or just unwanted odours. In practice, this means that our customized security doors are fire-rated, burglar-proof, soundproof or gas-tight, depending on the needs of each customer. Momec has been manufacturing secure steel doors for use in marine environments for over 60 years. This experience is something that we and our customers benefit greatly from when we build security doors for rental or residential properties, industries or public environments. Requirements, classifications and design needs differ from environment to environment, but the security function of the door is basically the same. As the social climate has become harsher in many cases, the need for security-rated doors is increasing. Something that today is highlighted and prioritized by politicians, authorities and in private planning.
The standard for defining protection against burglary is based on how long a security-rated door can resist attack, with what level of brute force and type of tools. Our security doors fulfil the requirements for class RC3 and RC4 according to SS-EN 1627.
Security doors for buildings must by law be fire-rated and thus protect against fire for at least thirty minutes. This applies to doors in new residential/rental properties as well as doors being replaced in existing properties. There is also a requirement for installation to be carried out in a legally compliant manner, where it may be worth bearing in mind that the ultimate responsibility lies with property owners and housing associations. Contrary to popular belief, it is often smoke and not flames that is the most common cause of death in fires. It is therefore essential that the door also protects against toxic smoke and gas.
Some sounds are so loud that they are harmful. It goes without saying that measures must be put in place. But there are also sounds that are only disturbing when you are sleeping, resting, working/studying or just socializing at home. They may come from the stairwell, which can lead to poor relations with neighbours in the worst case. It is worth considering that many of these sounds can be eliminated by a customized apartment door. There are several levels of sound reduction, so describe your needs to us and we will customize the insulation to your requirements.
Momec currently offers a limited number of security doors for properties and apartments, but we see this as a priority business area with great potential. By becoming part of the Weland Group from 2021, we will have greater opportunities and resources to grow and develop. We already have our own experienced development department, which means we can help our customers to customize security doors with short delivery times. We work according to ISO9001:2015 quality management system. Because all Momec’s security doors for properties are manufactured and designed in Sweden, more specifically in Bottnaryd in Småland, you can feel reassured that we have control over the entire process from start to finish.